Receive Dividends

You can receive dividends as holders of City-State NFT

$MAYA Daily output part:

1. $MAYA distribution: 15% of the daily $MAYA output will be distributed to the city-state NFT holders, with an increase of 5% for every 100 city-states sold.

Eg: as we talked in Hunting to earn (H2E) , someone can get $MAYA when he stake their animal as NFT. So now you can understand that he can only get 85% if he is in a city-state. The 15% should be distributed to holders of city-state.

3% of the total hunting expenses of each city-state shall be handed over to the federal tax for redistribution.

2. Hunting bonus (BNB only): The calculation method is 2% of the hunting expenses in your own city-state + [(whole network hunting expenses / The amount of city-states)*1%].

Eg: As an holder of city-state, you invite 10 people joint your city-state. Then you can get 1.5% of their hunting expenses, and add to 1.5% of hunting expenses of the whole network.

3% of the total Transaction of $MAYA shall be handed over to the federal tax for redistribution.

3. Transaction fee Dividend: The calculation method is 1% of your own city-state transaction fees + [(Whole network city-state transaction fees / The amount of city-states) * 1%].

4. Ranking rewards of city-states: according to the ranking of hunting times per week, the top 10 city-states will be rewarded. The bonus will be 50% of the total income of the trading market in $MAYA trade, increasing by 1 / 3 for every 100 City-States sold. The No.1 to No.10 prize distribution proportions are 30%, 20%, 10%, 7.5%, 7.5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5% and 5% respectively.

5. The above-mentioned city-state income is accumulated daily and distributed once a week. After deducting the part of residents' welfare, the rest belongs to the city-state owner.

What's the residents' welfare? Read the next page.

Last updated